Category:Photography softwareBinge eating in high-risk of obese women.
This study examined the psychometric properties of the Binge Eating Scale (BES) in a group of obese women who are at high risk of binge eating (n=97) and a comparison group of normal-weight women (n=40). The BES showed satisfactory internal consistency (alpha=0.87), test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC]=0.95), and convergent validity (correlation with EDE-Q, r=-0.46; with BMI, r=0.42). In addition, BES showed adequate sensitivity and specificity in discriminating at-risk subjects from controls (sensitivity=94.6%; specificity=86.6%). These results suggest that the BES is a reliable and valid measure for binge eating in obese women at risk of bulimia nervosa.Q:
How to put hyperlink in a gridview row using SQL
I'm trying to figure out how to add a hyperlink in a GridView with columns returned from a SQL query.
This is my SQL:
SELECT [EmpID], [EmpLastName], [EmpFirstName], [Phone], [Email]
FROM [Emp]
WHERE ([EmpID] = '234763')
This is my GridView markup:
' />
I have tried this:
' NavigateUrl='' Target="_blank" />
but it doesn't seem to be working. The same thing happens if I do this instead of the hyperlink:
' NavigateUrl=' be359ba680
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